Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dosha Video Clips
Elliot on Scrubs -Vata
Monica Geller- Pitta
Paula Deen- Kapha
Watch this and use it as your meeting closer... as your call to action- it is powerful... and buy the hour and a half movie on or ! ABSOLUTELY WORTH EVERY PENNY- share it with your friends, they will get why you are passionate about what you are doing!
Food Matters Video Clip-
Dosha Characteristics Handout
· Vata
In Balance: are dynamic, experience life below the surface and have the natural ability to inspire others. They make good teachers, artists, musicians, consultants, healing arts practitioners, philosophers, foreign ministers, religious ministers, or any profession requiring creativity and communication skills.
Out of balance: overly active thinkers, restless, can’t sit still, inclined towards fear, anxiety, depression, earn easily, spend impulsively, “spacey”, ungrounded, emotionally delicate, think skinned, quick to judge, shy and introverted, disorganized, lack confidence, moody, talk, interrupt or zone out in conversation, impatient
· Pitta
In Balance: Blessed with a joyful disposition, a sharp intellect and tremendous courage and drive. Funny, natural leaders, sharp memory, perform well under pressure, organized, focused. They make good business people, lawyers, professors, doctors, engineers, architects, scientists, politicians and designers.
Out of balance: overly intense, manipulative, stubborn, arrogant, jealous, materialistic, loud and aggressive, controlling of others, overly competitive, critical and judgmental, suppressive of emotion. It is said that imbalanced Pitta individuals don’t go to hell; they simply create it wherever they go!
· Kapha
In Balance: warm, loving, gentle and a good place to go for a big hug. Mentally and emotionally healthy and have a deep satisfaction for life. They make good parents, teachers, chefs, healing arts practitioners, construction workers, task force organizers and community leaders.
Out of balance: greedy, set in their ways, unable to say “no”, easily attached to people, easily taken advantage of, possessive, take on other people’s problems, fearful of letting go, overly passive, lethargic, give up easily, introverted, complacent, depressed
Understanding the doshas:
Like increases Like, Opposite creates Balance. Key lies in choosing foods with opposite characteristics to the dosha you are trying to pacify! As you tune into your underlying constitution, you’ll notice that you’ll naturally desire dosha balancing foods… this type of intuitive self guidance is your greatest nutritional guidemap of all!
Do you want to know the early symptoms of an imbalanced dosha?
Vata- earliest sign is anxiety or confussion, constipation or gas
Pitta- Irritability, alternating dry and loose stools, pressure or heat above the neck
Kapha- sluggishness, congestion, bloating
Ways Vata becomes imbalanced- eating vata aggravating foods, eating while anxious or depressed, eating on the run, drinking alcohol, coffee or tea, smoking, following irregular routine, going to bed late at night, traveling frequently, excessive stimulation, suppressing inner creativity
Ways to balance Vata- think NOURISHING, WARMING, ROUTINE… eat vata balancing diet (favor sweet, sour, salty), eat in peaceful environment, spend time in nature, follow a regular routine, go to bed early, gentle physical exercise (yoga, swimming), incorporate bright warming colors into surroundings (orange and green), listen to calming music, laugh and smile more, take a nap, spend time engaging with grounded people (balanced pittas and kaphas)
Ways Pitta becomes imbalanced- eating pitta aggravating foods, eating while angry, drinking coffee, tea, or alcohol, smoking, overworking, being overly compulsive, allowing oneself to overheat in physical and mental activity, failing to make changes in accordance with season (especially summer), surrounding one’s self with loud, aggressive sensory input (like violence on TV).
Ways to balance Pitta- think COOLING, CALMING, MODERATION… eat pitta balancing diet (favor sweet, bitter, astringent), eat in peaceful environment, avoid artificial stimulants, engage in calming activities- like spending time in nature, calming physical exercise (yoga, swimming), incorporate cooling colors into surroundings (blue, white and green), listen to calming music, laugh and smile more, take a nap, do volunteer work, take cool showers, get in touch with emotions (through introspective journaling).
Ways Kapha becomes imbalanced- eating kapha aggravating foods, overeating, eating to offset emotions, spending too much time in cool, damp climates, not engaging in physical activity, spending most of one’s time indoors(especially on the couch watching TV), avoiding intellectual challenges, storing emotion, focusing too much on money or material goods, failing to make seasonal changes (especially winter and spring)
Ways to balance Kapha- think DRYING, STIMULATING, EXPRESSION… eat kapha balancing diet (favor bitter, pungent, astringent), eat in loving environment, avoid a luxurious, leisurely lifestyle, focus on non-attachment in daily life, do emotional housekeeping regularly, make time for introspective activities like meditation and writing), make a distinction between being nice and being taken advantage of, go to bed early, with no daytime naps, stimulating physical exercise (running, hiking), incorporate bright vivid colors into surroundings (red, orange, gold and purple), listen to enlivening music, observe the seasons (especially spring and winter), vary one’s daily routine, spend time engaging with interesting and motivated people (balanced pittas and vatas).
Dosha Quiz-
Circle A, B or C to answer the following questions;
choose whichever you think best describes you and your personality.
1. My least favorite kind of weather is
a. cold weather
b. hot weather
c. damp weather
2. a. My hands and feet tend to be cold
b. My hands are usually warm
c. My hands are usually cool
3. a. My weight is below average for my build
b. My weight is average for my build
c. My weight is above average for my build
4. a. I tend to lose weight easily
b. I maintain my weight easily
c. I gain weight easily
5. a. My skin tends to be dry and tough, especially in winter
b. My skin is soft and ruddy
c. My skin is oily and moist
6. The most prominent feature about my hair is that
a. it tends to be dry
b. it’s fine, thin, reddish, or prematurely gray
c. it’s thick and wavy
7. a. I walk quickly more quickly than others
b. I have a determined walk, just to get where I’m going
c. My walk is slow and steady a more leisurely pace
8. a. I like to be active, “on the go”; it’s sometimes hard to sit still
b. I enjoy physical activities with a purpose, especially competitive ones
c. I like leisurely activities best
9. On a daily basis
a. my appetite varies
b. I am uncomfortable skipping meals
c. I like to eat but can skip meals easily
10. a. I tend to eat quickly; I have a delicate digestion
b. I have a strong digestion; I can eat almost anything
c. I eat and digest slowly
11. a. I get worn out easily
b. I am fairly strong and can handle various physical activities
c. I have good stamina and a steady energy level
12. a. I am fairly flexible
b. I am fairly muscular
c. I am fairly solid and big-boned
13. When conflicts arise,
a. I can be anxious and restless
b. I can become intense and irritable
c. I can get lazy or depressed
14. a. My moods change quickly
b. My moods change slowly
c. My moods are mostly steady
15. a. Under stress, I am easily excited
b. Under stress, I can be angry or critical
c. I’m pretty easygoing; it takes a lot to stress me out
16. The most prominent feature of my personality is that
a. I am creative, imaginative
b. I am intelligent, efficient, a perfectionist
c. I am caring, calm, and patient
17. a. I have lots of ideas and change my mind about things easily.
b. I gather lots of facts before forming an opinion
c. I am stubborn; I make up my mind quickly and don’t change my mind often
18. a. I have a short attention span
b. I am detail-oriented and can focus for long periods of time
c. I am a “big-picture” person and can focus for long periods of time
19. a. I learn quickly and forget quickly
b. I have a good general memory
c. I learn slowly and have a good long-term memory
20. a. I am good at getting things started but not necessarily at finishing them
b. I am very organized and will see a project through from start to finish
c. I may need help getting things started, but I am good at getting things accomplished
21. a. I tend to make and change friends often
b. Most of my friends are work-related and change when I change jobs
c. My friendships are long-lasting and sincere
22. a. I like to shop and often spend too much money
b. I don’t like to spend money, except on special items
c. I prefer not to spend at all; I’m good at saving money
23. a. I have difficulty falling or staying asleep
b. I sleep well, for an average length of time
c. I generally sleep long and soundly, and have difficulty waking up
24. a. I have lots of dreams but can’t remember them specifically
b. I can remember most of my dreams; I often dream in color
c. I only remember dreams when they are intense or significant
Now add up the totals, your highest score is your dosha type:
MIND type: Vata (a) _____ Pitta (b) _____Kapha (c) _____
BODY type: Vata (a) _____ Pitta (b) _____ Kapha (c) _____
shopping list for wellness nights (6 tastes)
(email this to the hostess before the party and this can be your party food instead of brownies and sugary punch or soda…
the choices I usually recommend are underlined in each category)
· Sweet
o Bananas, avocado, coconut, dates, raisins
o Wheat, rice, barley (whole grains)
o Butter, Cream, Ghee
o Cooked carrots, potatoes, acorn squash, artichoke, cucumber, cooked beets
· Sour
o Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, strawberries
o Cheese, yogurt, sour cream
o Wine, vinegar, soy sauce, sauerkraut
· Salty
o Chips, Sea Salt, Rock salt
o Seaweed, kelp
o Salted Nuts
o Pickles
· Bitter
o Spinach, kale, green cabbage
o Zucchini, eggplant
o Turmeric, fenugreek, dandelion root
o Coffee
o Olives, bitter melons
· Pungent
o Salsa, chili peppers, garlic, onions, beets, raw carrots, eggplant, horseradish, sun dried tomato, tomatoes
o Ginger, black pepper, cumin,
· Astringent
o Popcorn
o Cranberries, pomegranates, pears, prunes, apples, cherries, mangos, dried fruits
o Beans, legumes, lentils, nuts- almonds
o Broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, asparagus, turnips
o Grains (rye, buckwheat and quinoa)
o Turmeric, Marjoram
o Coffee, black and green tea
Have your hostess print off this page and cut the words apart- or you print it out before hand and laminate to lay next to food or tape to toothpicks to stick in it!
Sweet Bitter Astringent
Sweet Sour Salty
Bitter Pungent Astringent
Health Crisis in America Game for Dosha party
1. In the early 1900’s, the world’s leading causes of premature deaths were infectious diseases:
2. Today, the world’s leading causes of premature
deaths are degenerative diseases
Ø Cardiovascular Disease
Ø Cancer
Ø Stroke
Ø Respiratory Disease
Ø Diabetes
3. According to leading health experts:
NEARLY 1 BILLION people suffer from
High Blood Pressure
4. According to leading health experts:
300 MILLION are Obese
5. According to leading health experts:
177 MILLION suffer from Diabetes
6. According to leading health experts:
165 MILLION suffer from Arthritis
7. According to leading health experts:
150 MILLION suffer from Asthma
8. Now listen to the staggering percentages that are
affecting our children!
33% of children born in America are expected to develop Type 2 Diabetes.
For Black and Hispanic children, the number jumps to 50%
9. What do you think the good news is?
(PAUSE…wait for answer)
The good news is… the leading causes of death
today are completely PREVENTABLE!!!
10. How many of the #1 killers today are related to
the food we eat?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Week 9 Three way calls... as the Presenter
3 way calls: As Presenter
KISS… there is power in simplicity!!!
(Don’t say hello til call is turned over…)
“Thanks ___h____. That was a nice thing to say,
(I do love what I do, and the best part is it is part time… and I can make these calls from a park or the beach…)
Hello _____g_____ it’s nice to talk to you today.
Listen first off I want to thank you for your time, and I want you to know that we won’t take more than 15 minutes today- I know we are all busy, and so I will be respectful of that and keep an eye on the clock if that’s ok with you? “
LIGHT AND FUN!!! Complimentary… Friendly! MAKE A CONNECTION
Tell guest why you like the HOSTESS or how you have a relationship with her… say something nice about her!
“I like ___h_ because ______________.”
If after the intro you don’t know enough about them… do FOR, if you know FOR- then skip to questions
Family- Tell me about you- do you have kids?
Occupation- What do you do for a living? Really, do you like it?
Tell me about you, what are your long or short term goals?
Recreation- Tell me what do you guys like to do for fun?
Ok- so to begin let me ask you: (PICK ONE QUESTION)
- How do you know ___h____ again?
- What did ___h___ say to get you on the phone with me today?
- What have you heard about our company? What have you heard already?
- What are you most interested in, better health or a new business opportunity?
- Have you ever thought about owning a home based business?
- What do you think of network marketing?
We have 4 quick things I know___h___will want me to SHARE with you today- both our phenomenal product, and also a potentially amazing business opportunity … if you are interested. - Timing
- Product
- Endorsement
- Bill Farley
Product- Ok so let me ask you…Have you tasted our product? Well- I know we need to get some in your hands so you can taste it… it is amazing!
You may have some more questions about the product… I know I did, but we have some resources I will have ______h_______ leave with you and I think it will answer most of them!
Endorsement- Have you ever heard of Dr. Deepak Chopra?
Well I hadn’t either, but I realized I was one of the few that hadn’t because:He is rated by Forbes magazine as the 82nd most influential person in history!
What I like about that is that he’s a KNOWN Dr., and I was able to trust very early on that if he was willing to put his credibility behind this product, that I could be sure it was going to have some serious health benefits! And it absolutely has, just as he knew it would!
Is that pretty cool to have such a powerful endorsement? Yeah- it makes my job so much easier!
Bill Farley- Have you ever heard of Bill Farley? I hadn’t either…Bill is a branding Genius and what I have found is that people are more familiar with his brands than they realize… at least I was… Have you ever heard of:
Jordache Jeans
Gitano Jeans
Acme Boots
BVD Underwear
The Chicago White Sox
Fruit of the Loom?
Well those are all of Bill’s companies.And I share that with you just so you can start to recognize the power of the business backing we have here. Because Bill is the CEO of Zrii.
Timing- Are you familiar with how important timing is to an industry? Think of the real estate boom… when is the best time to buy, before or after the boom? Obviously before- well that’s where we are sitting with Zrii.
We are a 13 month old health and wellness company
· In our 1st year we have broken every single record set in the 60 year history of this industry… and things are not slowing down this year… in fact typically times of economic downturn have historically produced some extremely successful companies because people are open to earning additional income.
Our Industry- Have you ever heard of the famous economist Paul Zane Pilzer?
· He was the economic advisor to 3 different presidents of the US… he wrote a book called the WELLNESS REVOLUTION… he says that in the next 10 years that 10 million new millionaire will be created in the areas of health and wellness, and a majority will come from network marketing…
· He predicted that the 78 million baby boomers are looking for
o weight loss
o Anti-Aging
· Our product falls within both guidelines
· Basically look at Zrii this way- treat it like you saw a great movie… you drink it, find it beneficial, recognize it is working, share it with others and recommend they try it, tell them your experience and the company sends you a check for doing the word of mouth advertising.
· We have a consumable product so that brings re-orders, so you don’t have to go sell Zrii every month, in fact we are not looking for people to SELL Zrii… we are looking for people who want to consume…
· If you don’t like to help others you won’t do well…
· It is fair because you decide how much or how little you want to make… according to your own efforts
TIME:______Ok- so I am looking at the clock… and I want to keep this simple because it’s important for me to have you see how simple this is… and we have just about 3 more minutes- so real quick just to recap…we discussed…
· We are a 13 month old health and wellness company
· The opportunity to get involved on the ground floor of any company doesn’t come along very often and right now there are less than 70,000 people worldwide drinking it month after month, so your timing could never be better
· We have the company stability from a man who creates household names like Fruit of the Loom and he will brand one last company… Zrii.
· We have a HUGE Endorsement from a world-renowned Dr. and also
· Our company is committed to the quality of the product and also the scientific documentation to back it up- so they have committed to have Zrii be the most scientifically backed product in the world!
Let me just tell you in closing we have a very lucrative, fair pay plan- we earn our money 7 different ways, plus we have a BMW reimbursement plan,
Can you picture _h_ driving around in her new BMW?
and 2 incentive trips a year… so if you like to travel- there are ways to earn free trips! We have a lot of fun doing what we do, we all have busy lives so we do this part time… we have girl’s nights, and are learning easy ways to keep our families healthy…
Let me ask you _g_ have we shared anything today that peaked your interest?
(No)- Ok, well thanks for being honest, thanks for your time and let me just end with one thought… if anything ever changes for you- we are both willing to support you and I’d love to chat again if that’s something you are open to! Thanks! Bye!
(No- just don’t have the time)- I completely understand… I didn't think I has any spare time either... but if we get a chance to meet I can show you how literally a 5-6 hour time commitment per week can be enough to build this business… do you think you could find an hour a day or a few hrs. on the weekend to bring in some supplemental income?
No- thanks for your time
Yes- when can we meet for 15 minutes? Today or tomorrow?
(Yes)- Ok- then what we need to do is set aside about 15 minutes sometime soon to either meet in person, or on the phone again to show you how we get paid and answer any questions you might have… what’s better for you, today or tomorrow?
Ok- it’s easiest to see it live and in person, do you have any time we could meet so we could bring you a sample, and some literature- and share the #’s with you?
Set up follow Up Appointment:
Where? _________________
Great- I’m excited to meet you….I’ll meet you at _______… (Hear you then) Thanks ladies for your time… I’m gonna jump off… have a great day and we’ll talk soon! Bye!
Week 9 Three way calls... as the hostess
- 3 way calls: As the hostess!
INVITING TO THE CALLS… then follow this “script” for the intros- EASY!)
- I have something I want to share with you that I am really passionate about- do you have some time tonight we can jump on a call with a friend from my women’s mentoring group? GREAT! Call you then! Thanks! BYE… (SEE…SIMPLE!)
- Hey do you have time in the next hour to jump on the phone there is someone I want you to meet from my women’s mentoring group!
- I’ve made a major career change and picking out people I have always had respect for in business and I would like to share this with you, do you have a few minutes to jump on a call with a friend from my women’s/business mentoring group?
When you are making the phone call… have your guest on the phone 1st, then call the presenter together!
Hey_p__ its__h__ and I’ve got (a friend/biz associate) __g__ on the phone… are you still there? Great- Ok so let me start by quickly introducing everyone… __g__ lives in_______ I met her _____ and I told her I would love for you to meet her-
And __g__ let me introduce ___p___… she’s part of my women’s mentoring group, she’s a (short intro)…
· Mom of 3 little kids, she started her own preschool a few years back, she lives in Tucson AZ- she does Zrii PART time…
· location, what she did prior to zrii, product testimonial
· ______________________________________
She’s really excited about what we are doing and I would love for her to share it with you- so I’m really excited she’s on the phone with us… so _g__ this is __p___, __p__ this is _g__!
Hostess turns call over to presenter and does not talk again until the call is turned back over after the recap!!!!
After RECAP…
We have 2 websites I’d love for you to check out about our CEO and our product:
Friday, January 16, 2009
Week 8 Jan. 15th
Ok-so you should've received an email from your MC titled "presentation guidelines... but if not- I will post most of them here! Thanks for your time commitment... We see what happens when teams of women voluntarily hold themselves accountable to each other all over the country and it is great!!! Keep up the amazing work!
This piece of training comes from phase 3 of your "small multiple exposures" when prospecting anyone from your database...
step 1- the 5 minute touch
step 2- the 15 min. 3 way call
step 3- follow up for 30 min to show the comp plan, resolve concerns and invite to live presentation... if they've tasted the product, been on the phone with you on a 3way, and done any homework of their own... at this point... very often it is ok to ask for the close. This is how...
1)If they say they like the product then you should ask them what they like best about the product. After they answer you say; “So if you like what you saw here today, and I liked it when I saw it, would you agree if we showed three, four or five of your friends or family they would probably like what they see as well? Can you see how we could build a very large business by sharing this information with the people we care about and then helping them share it with the people they care about.
Great. Let me show you how to get started. Review the business packs and go to #2
If they say they like the business opportunity then you should ask them what they like best about the business opportunity. Whatever their answer you say “that’s great”, let me show you how to get started. Review business packs and go to #2
Let’s review the business start-up packs & what they include.
The business kits are for us to use in the next 30 days to build you a foundation of business partners and clients. The difference in the options relates to the size of the foundation you want to build.
Cover each option from $500 to $1,500 (highlight the product & the materials included in each option)
Explain this:
Let’s say you enroll at the $1,500 business premium pack That would give you 150 sample bottles & 12 regular bottles
If over the next 30 days we gave out 150 sample bottles and we showed some folks what I am showing you, do you think (men) feel (women) we would be able to find 5 people that are interested in earning additional income? Do you think we can find 5 people that might not be interested in going into business but they are definitely concerned about better health? Let me show you what that could mean for you. Remember: This is an investment not an expense. Explain how they can get their investment back with laminated sheet.
2)After reviewing the product and materials in the Business Builder Packs which program will work best for you? The $1,500, the $1,000 or the $500?
3)Complete the application and choose their auto shipment.
Next is your autoship option of $240 or $255
Each option includes the $120 personal usage product.
The difference is your monthly marketing options.
Which would work best for your business, 30 sample sizes + 4 large bottles or 8 Large Bottles
Your autoship date should be 30 to 35 days from today. (choose the date for them so they do not receive a double order)
4) The next step is setting up your training. Based on your current schedule, commitments and what you would like to accomplish in Zrii, would you prefer to get started on the Fast Track or the Slow Track? Which will work best for you and your family? There is no right or wrong answer it is whatever is best for them.
5) Marketing Strategy (Setting Appointments)
a) Business Associates
b) Clients
You mentioned earlier, during the presentation, that your best friend (or who ever they mentioned) has high blood pressure, diabetes, etc can you tell me a little bit about him/her? He/she sounds like someone we should go see right away. Let me ask you this, who is the most motivated/ambitious person you know? Tell me a little bit more about him/her? If there were one or two people you would want to go into business with ( people you trust completely and they trust you) who would they be? The purpose of this is to gather the names of the people you will go see during their training.
6) Set at least two appointments before you part ways. (This is very important) Script: Are you and your wife/husband going to be around tomorrow night? Great, I want to show you something and I need your input. Is 6:00 good or would 7:00 be better?
7) Leave a copy of our calendar with events, meetings and phone call times.
8) Would you agree in order to become totally effective and efficient in this business there are going to be a few things you need to learn? The absolute best way to learn is by going on appointments. There are some other important components you will learn in a class room setting. We have meetings and trainings every Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00pm. The next 90 days are going to be crucial to your overall success so it is very important you attend these trainings. Is there anything you are doing on Saturday mornings that you can’t get out of to attend these trainings over the next 90 days?
9) I want you to understand I am 100% committed to doing my part in helping you become successful in Zrii. You have a lot of teammates that are committed to doing their part. You don’t have to do it all and you don’t have to do it alone. All we ask of you is that you do your part and as a team we will all win together.
Your part: a) Get on Autoship b) Enroll 3 people right away with the help of your sponsor c) Help your 3 do exactly the same thing with the help of your sponsor d) Attend training
Will you commit to doing your part?
Congratulations. Welcome to the team!
Bonnie added that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to protect their warm market because those are the people they have the largest influence over (and who have the largest influence over them... if they burn through them- they'll feel BURNED OUT!!!!!!!) The last step is to go through the playbook to help them get started- and even go through the contents of their kit when they get it! Remember- this buisness is about RELATIONSHIPS... take some time in the beginning to make sure they are totally comfortable- and it will last through out your zrii years together!
Cynthia added that once we will do this (over and over... and not be afraid to mess it up!!!) we will feel so comfortable... its just like learning to ride a bike... you have to PDR... Practice, Drill, and Rehearse. And once you've got it... you've got it!
Brooke said that there is POWER in plugging them into a system! Learning this business IS actually a lot like learning to ride a bike... we start with training wheels (upline support doing EVERYTHING other than steering)... then graduate to just having mom run behind us holding the bike( they are doing intro and part of zrii story), and then we hold on with just a finger so their confidence is there- but really they are doing it all alone and don't even realize it (they are presenting, we are there at the end to close up the meeting)... and WA LA! They have just duplicated properly... and because they learned it right from you... they'll teach it right to their team! See the simplicity?
Also- commit them to listen and watch REJUVENATE every day for the 1st 30 days... and listen to success leaves clues also! This will greatly empower them!
OK- so on to the Saturday morning training calls lead by "Bonnie and the Greats!" Every Saturday morning at 7am Pacific time
712 775 7000 pin 450 436#
Sat. 17th- Patricia Kaye coaching about 3 way calls!
Sat. 24th- Colt Elam- Mastering duplication
Sat. 31st- Brooke Hunt-how to run a successful family and business at the same time
Feb. 7th- Blue Elam- Creating Momentum & Urgency, and relating the story to THE PROSPECT!
Also- Christina wants to make sure we all register for RSA, and the bus ride from Phoenix if you want to ride with us by scrolling down this blog to the registration link (and the hotel link as well) or by going to . See you there!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Book your hotel through this link to get womenof Z rate!
Navigate to
Click on the Reservations link at the top of the page.
Enter your arrival dates and departure dates
Enter PROMO CODE: WZ2009 in promo code field
Click "Check Availability"
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tues Team call Week 7 1-6-09
Good News Minute… something great going on in their world!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Write down a THEME for 2009
Success Work this week-
practice your 2 sentence intro (location, family, occupation, etc.)
We will do some role playing with 3 way calls so you all feel comfortable... and so you can see who is available to do 3 ways with you...(crossline included) maybe you feel your guest will connect really well to another east coaster... or they might both be personal trainers, or Realtors, or both love scuba diving... etc.
Thought for the week:
Put your goals in concrete and your plans in sand!
If it is to BE it is UP TO ME!!!
Tues Team call Week 6 12-30-08
Good News Minute… something great going on in their world!
Success Work this week-
Practice your zrii share (5 minute touch) basically what is it Zrii has done for you? Keep it personal... no one can argue with your personal experience.
- If you did 20- 5 minute touches… (1 hour 40 minutes)
- from 20 get 5-3 way calls (1 hr. 15 min)- (A good way to bring people to a call is to ask a favor as homework for your womens mentoring group!
- from 5-3way calls or mini-flip charts get 3 presentations (3x20-30 min.=60-90min.)
- from 3 presentations get 2-3 to meeting (45 min.)- get 1 new signup!!! (need to spend 1 more hour training and attending their 1st in home mtg.)
- Total= 6 hours a week to realistically move your business forward!!! (see checks, volume, and growth)
ALL YOU ARE DOING IS SHARING A PIECE AND INVITING TO A PHONE CALL!!!!!! (or meet 1 on 1 for a minute- in their living room if possible)
No Thurs training call- HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Write down some 2009 goals!- THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK!
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. - Jim Rohn
Week 5- Dec.18th-3 way calls
Use 3 way calls to PLUG THEM IN, even if you don't use it to GET THEM IN!!!
3 participants in the 3 way call...
THE GUEST (prospect)
THE HOST (the person bringing the guest... like the bridge between guest and presenter)
THE PRESENTER (the person delivering the message)
there is a dialog that takes place between the presenter and the guest... she will ask:
- what they like best... biz or product?
- what have they been introduced to about our story
- she will share timing (and trends), Bill, Deepak, Product
- she will ask if they are interested on any level
- THIS IS NOT A HARD SELL... there is never a credit card involved...
- she will leave them with homework... to get more info from or
- SHE WILL KEEP IT TO 15 MINUTES!!! This is SO important!!
The guest on the phone IS looking at this conversation, wondering if they can do it too... they are summing it up based on content, and also duplication... if this is helping you be successful, is it something they could do also to be successful???... and you need to know this... THERE IS POWER IN SIMPLICITY!!!
Week 4 updated- Dec.11th
- Step 1- 5 minute (or less) exposure...sounds like this "I don't know if it's a fit for you or not, but I want you to take a look at this..." "I know you;re busy, and I'm busy... so let's schedule a time to talk later today or tomorrow (this is all about TONE... excited and confident). Set up a time for the 3 way call... book it now!
- Step 2- 15 minute 3 way call (the key to this business)... you may think your closest friends and family will "get it" from you... but it is your sister, best friend and family that actually really needs 3rd party validation! Why? Unfortunately because we listen to strangers better than those we know! The call starts something like this (also see the 3 way call training from Patricia Kaye)... "I don't want you to feel any pressure, but I want to know if this will pique your interest... and I want to introduce you to a friend in my women's mentoring group... (the point it pique their curiosity so they'll come back for more... if there is too much info they'll get confused and they will say no (because it is easier than saying yes!) From here you book a time to sit down and show them on how we get paid on paper...
- Step 3- 30 minutes- connect with them kneecap to kneecap to go over the comp plan (if they can't meet, get them on a webinar or a recorded call). Invite them to a live event (notice this is the 4th step... not the 1st... now they know what they are coming to, and will show up because they want more information)
- Step 4- 45 minutes at a live meeting... if they said yes that they will come than they are interested... if they come to this mtg as the 4th small exposure- you can ask for the close because they can now make a logical decision... your attendance WILL go up at meetings!! Here you want to BAMFAM...Book A Meeting From A Meeting... take 15 minutes after the 45 minute presentation is over to answer questions, and set up another time to meet, get them signed up and trained(or if they've signed that night- plan on going over their kit with them when it comes)... Also make sure you (as the sponsor) have an extra case of minis with you to give to them, so they can start their business NOW... they will replenish your supply when theirs comes in!
- Step 5- 1 hour close interview and Q & A... and getting started training... teach them this concept... MEETINGS ARE TRAININGS... FOR THEM... When they are Down- they need the meeting... when they are UP the meeting needs them!! Take some time to get in front of the info again, get comfortable, build their belief in themselves, this industry, and this company... and literally start creating momentum in their group by using SMALL MULTIPLE EXPOSURES to feed the pipeline and sift through the "lookers" to find the BUILDERS!!
- Here are the Ratios... it's a numbers game... remember this... Talk to 20 (5 minutes)... 5 will get on a 3 way with you. Of those 5... 2 will meet with you to see the comp plan... of those 2- 1 will sign up. So don't prejudge. Talk to everyone you know. If they can't see it, or they say no- recognize that timing in their life might just make it impossible for them right now... stay friendly and nice, and connected- stay their friend even if they aren't your business partner!! The goal is ultimately getting them to a meeting... but remember it is NOT the 1st step!!
Power of Branding
obviously brands are not built without a product of substance... and Zrii is proving that in year ONE!!! (43 million in total Revenue- in its 1st year... that breaks EVERY network marketing record in the 50 years of MLM history!!!)
Recognize any of these?
Old Brands...
- Kleenex
- Q-Tip
- Sears
- Ford
- Microsoft
- Visa
- Coke
- DuPont
- Disney
- GM
- Home Depot
- Hewlett Packard
- Johnson & Johnson
- McDonalds
- Merck
- AT&T
- Walmart
- Exxon
New Brands... weren't around until recently... but that doesn't mean we respect them any less right?
- Garmin
- Apple
- Redbull
- Verizon
- Staples
- Southwest
- Vitamin Water
- Whole Foods
- Yahoo
- XM
I promise not everyone understands the power of a brand... and not everyone will do this with you... it WILL take time and commitment, but also look at it this way... IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE! If someone wants to dabble... they'll get a dabbled income (which is fine for some, if that is their expectation... but so often people reluctantly commit, hoping that timing in this company will make them rich... and that just flat out WON'T HAPPEN without WORK!!
I actually believe very strongly in this...
Some people succeed because they are destined to... most succeed because they are DETERMINED TO!!!
Success can be yours if you will:
- Commit Yourself
- Remain Coachable