Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dosha Characteristics Handout

Dosha Characteristics

· Vata

In Balance: are dynamic, experience life below the surface and have the natural ability to inspire others. They make good teachers, artists, musicians, consultants, healing arts practitioners, philosophers, foreign ministers, religious ministers, or any profession requiring creativity and communication skills.
Out of balance: overly active thinkers, restless, can’t sit still, inclined towards fear, anxiety, depression, earn easily, spend impulsively, “spacey”, ungrounded, emotionally delicate, think skinned, quick to judge, shy and introverted, disorganized, lack confidence, moody, talk, interrupt or zone out in conversation, impatient

· Pitta

In Balance: Blessed with a joyful disposition, a sharp intellect and tremendous courage and drive. Funny, natural leaders, sharp memory, perform well under pressure, organized, focused. They make good business people, lawyers, professors, doctors, engineers, architects, scientists, politicians and designers.
Out of balance: overly intense, manipulative, stubborn, arrogant, jealous, materialistic, loud and aggressive, controlling of others, overly competitive, critical and judgmental, suppressive of emotion. It is said that imbalanced Pitta individuals don’t go to hell; they simply create it wherever they go!

· Kapha

In Balance: warm, loving, gentle and a good place to go for a big hug. Mentally and emotionally healthy and have a deep satisfaction for life. They make good parents, teachers, chefs, healing arts practitioners, construction workers, task force organizers and community leaders.
Out of balance: greedy, set in their ways, unable to say “no”, easily attached to people, easily taken advantage of, possessive, take on other people’s problems, fearful of letting go, overly passive, lethargic, give up easily, introverted, complacent, depressed

Understanding the doshas:
Like increases Like, Opposite creates Balance
. Key lies in choosing foods with opposite characteristics to the dosha you are trying to pacify! As you tune into your underlying constitution, you’ll notice that you’ll naturally desire dosha balancing foods… this type of intuitive self guidance is your greatest nutritional guidemap of all!

Vata is dry... so anything dry increases Vata and imbalances you... the opposite is salty- (because it RETAINS salty is most balancing taste for VATA)
Pitta is Firey and HOT- so anything hot or spicy increases Pitta, and imbalances... the opposite (and therefore most balancing) for pitta is bitter (because it is cooling also)
Kapha is Sweet and Moist- so anything sweet and moist increases Kapha and imbalances them... so the opposite, and balancing taste for Kapha is Pungent (which is invigorating to Kaphas)
Do you want to know the early symptoms of an imbalanced dosha?
Vata- earliest sign is anxiety or confussion, constipation or gas
Pitta- Irritability, alternating dry and loose stools, pressure or heat above the neck
Kapha- sluggishness, congestion, bloating

Ways Vata becomes imbalanced- eating vata aggravating foods, eating while anxious or depressed, eating on the run, drinking alcohol, coffee or tea, smoking, following irregular routine, going to bed late at night, traveling frequently, excessive stimulation, suppressing inner creativity

Ways to balance Vata- think NOURISHING, WARMING, ROUTINE… eat vata balancing diet (favor sweet, sour, salty), eat in peaceful environment, spend time in nature, follow a regular routine, go to bed early, gentle physical exercise (yoga, swimming), incorporate bright warming colors into surroundings (orange and green), listen to calming music, laugh and smile more, take a nap, spend time engaging with grounded people (balanced pittas and kaphas)

Ways Pitta becomes imbalanced- eating pitta aggravating foods, eating while angry, drinking coffee, tea, or alcohol, smoking, overworking, being overly compulsive, allowing oneself to overheat in physical and mental activity, failing to make changes in accordance with season (especially summer), surrounding one’s self with loud, aggressive sensory input (like violence on TV).

Ways to balance Pitta- think COOLING, CALMING, MODERATION… eat pitta balancing diet (favor sweet, bitter, astringent), eat in peaceful environment, avoid artificial stimulants, engage in calming activities- like spending time in nature, calming physical exercise (yoga, swimming), incorporate cooling colors into surroundings (blue, white and green), listen to calming music, laugh and smile more, take a nap, do volunteer work, take cool showers, get in touch with emotions (through introspective journaling).

Ways Kapha becomes imbalanced- eating kapha aggravating foods, overeating, eating to offset emotions, spending too much time in cool, damp climates, not engaging in physical activity, spending most of one’s time indoors(especially on the couch watching TV), avoiding intellectual challenges, storing emotion, focusing too much on money or material goods, failing to make seasonal changes (especially winter and spring)

Ways to balance Kapha- think DRYING, STIMULATING, EXPRESSION… eat kapha balancing diet (favor bitter, pungent, astringent), eat in loving environment, avoid a luxurious, leisurely lifestyle, focus on non-attachment in daily life, do emotional housekeeping regularly, make time for introspective activities like meditation and writing), make a distinction between being nice and being taken advantage of, go to bed early, with no daytime naps, stimulating physical exercise (running, hiking), incorporate bright vivid colors into surroundings (red, orange, gold and purple), listen to enlivening music, observe the seasons (especially spring and winter), vary one’s daily routine, spend time engaging with interesting and motivated people (balanced pittas and vatas).

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